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With Bra Tape, no outfit will be a challenge anymore! Your breasts will be firmly supported and nicely shaped, and parts of the bra will not be visible from under your clothes. Bra Tape marks the end of the bra dictatorshipfreedom of choice styling– You decide what you want and can wear, regardless of the size of your breasts.


Our tapes work on all breast sizes and consistencies! They are strong enough to support even the largest breasts and flexible enough for you to function freely in them.


The box contains a tape 5 cm wide and 5 meters long.


What makes Bra Tape unique?


SAFEhave the European CE dermatological certificate. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you are using a product of the highest quality, created with your comfort and safety in mind.


HYPOALLERGENICspecial glue technology does not cause allergies. We always recommend conducting a sensitivity test before application. Detailed instructions can be found in the leaflet.


BREATHABLE – made of 95% cotton, so you can use them without any worries even on hot days. They provide the skin with air circulation, which affects the comfort of use.


ELASTICThey stretch up to 170%, working in harmony with your body movements. They do not restrict freedom of movement or cause pain during activity.


DURABLE –last for many hours, regardless of the level of physical activity. You can be sure that your breasts will be supported all the time when you need them.


PAINLESS DURING REMOVALyou can easily remove the tape without causing any discomfort or skin irritation. Just use our vegan Bra Tape oil to remove tapes.


DOES NOT REMOVE TANyou don't have to worry about the tape rubbing off your beautiful tan. If you follow the guidelines described in the leaflet included with the tapes regarding the proper application and removal of the tapes, you will leave your skin intact.


WATERPROOFeven in case of intense sweating, the tape stays in place, ensuring reliable support for your bust.


EFFICIENTEach roll of Bra Tape contains 5 meters of material, allowing for multiple applications, the quantity of which depends on breast size. On average, it is enough for several to a dozen or so applications.


UNIVERSAL – and most importantly, the tape works for all breast sizes. Regardless of whether you have smaller or larger breasts, you can enjoy the benefits of breast taping and wear your dream outfits, confident that everything will stay in place.


Instructional videos - free for you!


By purchasing Bra Tape, you will receive access to instructional videos, thanks to which you can easily perform a successful application yourself.


In each box of our tapes you will find a QR code that opens the door to a world of unlimited possibilities for shaping any breast size. These are as many as 10 instructional videos with 4 models with different breast sizes who, by applying the tapes, will guide you step by step through the entire breast taping process so that you can achieve your dream effect of lifting, supporting and shaping your breasts.


Lowest price in the last 30 days: PLN 59

Bra Tape standard, 5 cm, black colour

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 4 reviews


      Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
      Based on 4 reviews
      4 reviews

      • Ewelina KreczkoDec 06, 2024
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

        Wyglądałam jak królowa imprezy. Sukienka bez pleców i z bardzo głębokim dekoltem. Biust mam średni i super wyszło oklejanie. Żałuje tylko, że nie obejrzałam filmiku instruktażowego od razu tylko dopiero przy drugim podejściu :)

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      • Monika SawickaDec 06, 2024
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

        Po raz pierwszy nie musiałam zastanawiać się, co założyć pod sukienkę z odsłoniętymi plecami! Taśma trzymała się całą imprezę. 🤩 Świetne rozwiązanie, które na pewno wykorzystam ponownie!

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      • Anna GJan 02
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

        Świetnie sprawdza się na średnim i większym biuście. :)

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      • Weronika AbramikDec 06, 2024
        Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

        Super się sprawdziła

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      Delivery time 2-3 business days

      Delivery method - GLS Courier

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