Terms and conditions for posting opinions in the BRA TAPE online store
§ 1 Preliminary Information
This regulation (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation") sets the rules for the publication of opinions (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions") by Users of the online store www.bratapeofficial.com on the website www.bratapeofficial.com ("Online Store").
"Users" are understood to be individuals with full legal capacity who have posted an Opinion on the Online Store (hereinafter: "User"/"Users"). A User does not need to be a Customer of the Online Store.
The owner of the Online Store www.bratapeofficial.com is So Chic Spółka z o.o. with its registered office in Malbork at Głowackiego 2/7, registered in the Entrepreneurs Register by the District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VII Economic Department of the National Court Register under number 0000701786, NIP 5792264124, REGON 368872462, e-mail: info@sochic.pl, phone number 55 272 60 40 (hereinafter "Seller").
§ 2 Rules for Posting Opinions on the Online Store
Posting Opinions is voluntary.
Opinions can be posted by any User, including those who are not Customers of the Online Store, and posting an Opinion does not require registration or having an Account in the Online Store.
All Opinions posted on the www.bratapeofficial.com website are marked as "Unverified Opinions" because the Seller does not verify the Opinions and does not know whether they were posted by Users who made a purchase from the Seller or used the product in question.
The Seller does not distort Users' Opinions to promote products.
Opinions are published directly after they are added by the User, and the Seller does not control, edit, or influence the content of the Opinions in any way, except as provided in § 2 sec. 6.
The Seller has the right to moderate or remove Opinions posted by Users, particularly those that are found to violate the Regulation or applicable laws.
The removal of an Opinion that violates the Regulation will take place without prior notification to the User.
Opinions can be posted using a separate form for each Product available in the Online Store.
When posting an Opinion, the following correct data must be provided: First and Last Name, Email Address (which remains private), Rating in the form of stars, Opinion Title, and the Opinion itself. It is also possible to add graphics and videos, but these fields are not mandatory.
Opinions should be published in Polish, following the rules of proper Polish language.
The Opinion is automatically published after clicking the "Publish" button.
The Opinion is solely a subjective assessment of the Product.
The overall rating of individual Products in the form of the number of stars received is based on all Opinions given by Users for a given Product, and it is calculated based on the arithmetic average of the number of stars left in the Opinion under that Product.
Before posting an Opinion, the User is obliged to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Regulation. Publishing an Opinion by the User means acceptance of the Regulation.
By publishing an Opinion, the User enters into an agreement with the Seller for the provision of an electronic service (hereinafter: the "Agreement"). The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period, as soon as the Opinion is published by the User via the form.
The User has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by sending an email to the Seller at info@sochic.pl requesting the removal of the Opinion they posted, without the need to provide a reason. The Opinion will be removed within 14 days from the date of the request.
The Seller has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by removing the Opinion if: a) The Seller disables the publication of Opinions in the Online Store, b) The Seller receives credible information that the content of the Opinion is unlawful, c) The Seller determines that the Opinion posted by the User violates this Regulation, especially if it is false or infringes the rights of third parties.
§ 3 User’s Responsibility
By posting an Opinion, the User declares that: a) The Opinion complies with the content of this Regulation, b) The User consents to the processing of their personal data in connection with the published Opinion, c) The Opinion is lawful, truthful, and does not infringe the rights of third parties, d) The Opinion does not violate good manners or social coexistence rules, e) The User is the sole author of the Opinion and holds all rights to it.
It is prohibited to post Opinions that: a) Violate the law, b) Violate the rights of third parties, c) Are false or misleading, d) Contain vulgar, offensive content, e) Contain advertising content, including links to other websites, f) Contain personal data of third parties or information that could violate the privacy of others, g) Violate good manners, rules of social coexistence, h) Incite violence or intolerance, i) Insult religious feelings, j) Encourage dangerous behaviors or approve such behaviors, k) Contain viruses, harmful files, or programs.
In the case of claims being made by third parties against the Seller related to the Opinion posted by the User, the User undertakes to take all available and legally permitted actions to protect the Seller from such claims.
The User undertakes to compensate the Seller for any damage caused by the Opinion they posted.
§ 4 Copyrights Regarding Published Opinions
By publishing an Opinion, the User grants the Seller a non-exclusive license to use the Opinion without time or territorial restrictions, in all available exploitation fields known at the time of granting, including in particular: a) Dissemination of the Opinion by public sharing, allowing everyone access to it at the time and place of their choosing, including on the internet - specifically www.bratapeofficial.com, mobile networks, and other similar networks or functioning in a similar manner; b) Recording and reproducing by any technique, as well as recording in part or in full and reproducing by plastic, photographic, audiovisual recording, and reproduction in digital or magnetic form, regardless of the standard, system, or format, including the introduction to computer memory; c) Using in whole or in part (including for the purpose of promoting and advertising by the Online Store), copying, changing, deleting in whole or in part, making adaptations, translations, creating derivative works, and implementing them using any technology.
The User further consents to the creation of adaptations of the Opinion and the handling and use of adaptations (derivative rights) and grants the right to authorize the performance of derivative copyrights to adaptations in the exploitation fields indicated in section 1 above.
Under the granted license, the User agrees to allow the Seller to grant sublicenses to third parties for the use of the Opinion in the scope indicated in § 4 of the Regulation.
§ 5 Final Provisions
The Regulation is valid from the date of publication on the Online Store’s website, i.e., from 11.02.2025.
The Seller is not responsible for Opinions posted by Users.
The Seller reserves the right to contact Users who post Opinions at the email address left with the Opinion.
The Seller is entitled to change the Regulation. Changes to the Regulation will be effective from the moment the new Regulation is published in the Online Store. The version of the Regulation that was in effect at the time of publishing the Opinion applies to the Opinions.
Matters not regulated by this Regulation are subject to Polish law.
Personal data of Users who posted an Opinion are processed in accordance with the privacy policy.
Any questions regarding the Regulation can be sent to the email: info@sochic.pl.